December 29, 2013

Harmony and Unity

The video talk linked to this image is an inspiring example of a way people have found to experience unity and interconnectedness even when separated physically.  Obviously there's the power and beauty of the non-local physical connection.  But I think there are two other underlying elements here that illustrate and underscore our connection with each other on a deeper level.

The first is the internet itself, and the degree to which it's become ubiquitous in the lives of a large percentage of the people on the planet.  It's become so central to our lives precisely because it offers the opportunity to experience a much greater degree of connection with people and with the world in general than we've ever had before.  Here it facilitates a harmony of voices, a merging and blending of energies from all over the globe.  And so we have this relatively new but invaluable tool that people everywhere are embracing and integrating into their lives to the degree where access to an open, uncensored internet is now being espoused as a basic right of all people.  Fueling this demand is, I believe, our inherently interconnected nature and our desire to experience that more fully and regularly than ever before through this tool.

The second element of note here is the interest level, indeed the level of passionate interest, expressed by so many who want to be involved in this ongoing project (this talk addresses the first virtual choir project Mr. Whitacre developed; he's since done at least 3 more).  This isn't just some mindless time-killing pastime or interesting little novelty project for the people seeking to participate.  It's a deeply moving emotional experience for the singers, the conductor, and for many who then see and hear the final product.  I see this as solid evidence of our innate collective desire to experience our oneness with the world by being a part of something bigger than ourselves, something of great beauty and creativity to which we each contribute a part.  Individual voices merge into a greater, more beautiful whole.  Souls are touched and spirits are enlivened and uplifted.  Our drive to experience our oneness is engaged and all feel more real, more alive, more complete, and more connected, in concert with our true nature.


Lou Ann Pleva said...

Tom, this choir is a perfect example of connectedness. I remember feeling elated when I first heard and saw this video, this vision accomplished, hearkening back to when choir and chorus were the only transporting vehicles from a dismal existence in my younger years. When people sing together, their hearts actually beat in synch, one rhythm, one pulse.