So here's my question for tonight - if we truly are all connected, then is the pinnacle of development really full SELF-actualization? If I manage to become fully self-actualized but my neighbor is not yet, has the pinnacle really yet been reached? Jesus, the Buddha, and other presumably fully enlightened ones didn't just suddenly stop what they were doing, run off to a cave somewhere, and ignore everyone else when they achieved that state. They actively spent the rest of their earthly incarnations teaching, mentoring, guiding, encouraging, motivating, and generally trying to help others move closer to enlightenment as well.
So I would suggest that, as further evidence that we truly are all connected, it's our natural impulse the higher we climb on our own journey of development to want to also help others to do the same. We become fully actualized when we ALL become fully actualized. Love is ultimately not self-serving, and self-actualization only gains its ultimate importance when we use it to connect even more deeply with those around us and share with them in pure love and devotion and connectedness with all.
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