January 30, 2010

Perspective Shift

Here's an interesting little experiment you can try - I did it in a couple of work meetings earlier this week and noticed a big difference in my sense of connectedness to the people there...

In a meeting or other gathering, first look around the room and focus on seeing everyone as separate, having their own agendas and interests, not really caring that much about you as an individual, just conducting their interactions in some semi-positive way because that's what they're 'supposed' to do. Notice how different each of them are from you, how differently they each look and talk and act. And then notice how that feels. Maybe you'll sense walls around people, including yourself. Maybe you'll find yourself feeling somewhat defensive or guarded. Maybe you'll be more likely to put on an act and say or do things you don't really feel for the sake of not being judged or rejected by the group. Whatever you feel, it will be based largely on a perception of separation between you and the others there. Let that feeling sink in for a minute or two.

Then look around the room again, this time telling yourself (silently is recommended, especially if you're in a business meeting!) that you're all connected. You can repeat to yourself the phrase "We are all one," or "I am one with all," or something that supports the notion of connectedness between everyone there. Or you can take a long piece of string and tie everyone together (okay, that's probably a little too literal). But find some way to really 'get it' within yourself that you're all connected, that you all share a common oneness of humanity and spirit, and then look upon everyone from that perspective and see how differently you feel. (Note - as you look around, you may want to be aware of how this changes your facial expression too - don't get yourself thrown out of the meeting for making bedroom eyes at the person across the table from you, no matter how innocent your expression may feel to you!)

When you make this perspective shift it can totally change the tone of the experience, for you and probably for the people around you too. For me, I noticed a positive shift in the energy of my interaction with people. The meetings were no longer droning tedious clunky things, but ones in which I found myself in a more comfortable, relaxed, natural flow with everyone, more fully and positively engaged in the discussion and more appreciative of the decisions that came from those discussions. See if you notice something similar when you try it.

Then realize that all this happened in your head. The others didn't change how they were appearing or talking or acting in any way. Your sense of connection to them and the positive changes resulting from that focus were solely a function of your own choice to see them in that light, to look on them with love and acceptance and oneness instead of separation.

And then realize that you can do this anytime, anywhere, with anything or anyone. It can work if you're traveling in some strange new place. It can work if you're stuck in traffic. It can work if you're having a disagreement with your partner. It can work if you're watching the news on TV. It can work anywhere, anytime because it's simply a return to Reality and our true nature. There is no time or place when we're not all connected, so there is no time or place when consciously remembering that can't shift you into a more positive, productive, loving, peaceful state of being.

Remembering Who You Really Are and who we all are together can be a very powerful, liberating gift for yourself and your world.